VBF Superior 2-Zone

Plymoth VBF “Superior 2-Zone” Air Purifier

Immediately 99.995% Virus Free Air at the Table.
For Coffee-, Lunch- and Meeting Rooms. “Plug and Play” Product. HEPA H14 Filter.

By just having a normal conversation aerosolized virus and bacteria remain in the air for long periods. This can transmit severe colds and Corona virus. Plymoth “Superior 2-Zone” reduces that risk substantially. The Zone over and around a table for 6-8 people is around 10m3. That means that the air is totally changed there every minute already with the VBF-700 filter unit. The risk of being infected by Virus and Bacteria will decrease considerably.

One week less sick leave, per Year and Employee, will in less than a year pay back the investment in the Plymoth “Superior 2-Zone” H14 Air Purifier.